Monday, March 24, 2008

Long Time....

Well it has been awhile since I have wrote anything in this blog. I have been busy with school, work, escorting Steven back and forth to Tae Kwon Do...which I am thinking of taking this summer to earn my black belt. That ought to be a sight.I went to a raw potluck saturday night. It was very invigorating. It was exactly what I needed. My friend Dara did a demo of several recipes which was delicious. I will try better to keep up with my blog. Things will slow down this summer as I will not take any classes. I'm taking a much deserved break.

In health-


Monday, January 21, 2008

Before and After Pics of 2008 feast

This picture was taken a week
before Christmas 2007

This picture (in the red shirt) was taken tonight 01-21-2008

Ending after 21 days

After speaking with my father today (who was also feasting for 21 days) I think I'm going to go ahead and stop after 21 days which will be tomorrow. I do feel this feast had been beneficial for me but I know I could accomplish more if I go longer. As I said in the previous post I know I have a lot more emotional and physical detox to yet experience.
I realized after speaking to my father and listening to his vast wisdom that I am scared to return to eating solids because I am afraid I will return to my emotional eating. It is so much easier for me to fast. Of course I do have hunger pains, detox symptoms, headaches, bad breath that accompanies a feast/fast but I did not have to deal with the emotions of will I be able to stay raw today.
I just can't understand why I can't seem to stay raw but I can go days without solid foods. So I am facing this challenge yet again head on.
The plan is to break my feast tomorrow night and I will face this issue head on and try my best to eat at least 80% raw. I can't keep running from the issue. I need to face it and win this cook and junk food battle.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 19 of Juice Feast

Yesterday I had a weakness and decided I was only going to do 21 days. I even went to the store this morning an purchased organic dates to break my feast.I still have not put a number of days I wanted to continue this juice feasting journey but I have decided today as I write this to continue past 21 days.

I don't think I am mentally and physically ready to come off of the feast. I don't feel that I even have begun to detox emotional and physically. I really need to make sure that I am able and ready to stick to at least an 80% raw lifestyle when I finish this feast.

So with my head held high I march onwards and continue this journey.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 13 of Juice Feast

Well it is day 13 of my feast and I feel really good. No headaches or hunger pains. Today I am drinking:
5000 Volt
Red Pepper
Hot Pepper
I am also drinking Kale, Celery, Turnip Greens, Apple and Carrot juice. This past Saturday I was at a raw pot luck we had at a local health food store. We had a good turn out of 16 people. My friend Dara and I have been trying to get more people to the pot lucks in our area. The attendance has been very low. I made Okraw Slaw which was a hit and a surprise hit with my son Steven. I am glad I found another recipe that he likes.
I had no deisre to eat even though every thing looked really delicious. It felt really good to be around like minded people. When I explained why I was not eating no one batted an eye lash. Everyone understood what I was doing.
While at the potluck I brought some MSM powder. I am excited about this supplement and I can't wait to see the benefits.
I hope all is well with everyone.

In health,

Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 6 of '08 feast

Well it is day six of my feast. I still have not decided on an X amount of days. I feel pretty good except a slight headache this morning. Yesterday I felt really bad and slept most of the day. I didn't drink juice until later that evening and that is I'm sure the reason I felt so tired.
My juices have been celery, carrots, kale, lemon, romaine lettuce, and green apples.
My son Steven helped me last night make my juices. He was so excited but he was mostly in my way and eating all my apples. I'm glad he likes to help me juice as this will be a good way to get him to drink more green juices.
I start school tomorrow so I will be feasting again during a semester.
I hope everyone is having a great New Year!!

In Health,
