Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Day 4

I ate so much the past few days that I am still kind of full. I only ate a orange, apple and banana today. Of course it is only 6:30 pm now. I think I am going to make a dressing and a big salad ummmm. I did not get up to exercise this morning..laaazzzzyyyy. I am looking forward to the energy that I will have from eating so healthy. I want to pop up at 4am full of energy so I can get my butt on the treadmill.
I'm going to make my salad now and Steven wants a orange and banana smoothie. Speaking of smoothies I tried a green smoothie this morning. It had spinach, apple and water. My blender sucks. It did not turn out well at all. I have got to get a vitamix!
I keep forgetting my weight scale at my moms. I think it is a good thing. I am to obessive about my weight and I do not want to get discourage if the numbers on the scale don't move. I know that inside I am making wonderful changes.
I went to the library and checked out The China Study, Sprouting Handbook by Ann Wigmore and another Raw Gourmet book.
I'm going to go make that salad and Steven's smoothie and start to read .


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