Saturday, August 25, 2007

89 more to go!!!!

Well I did it!!!
I started a 92 day juice/feast fast.
Why you may ask.
I need to do this. I was spiraling out of control with my eating and drinking habits again. I've come such a long way since January 2005 with finding raw, becoming a raw teacher, losing weight, not drinking alcohol to spiral back down that black hole again.
I needed this journey. I knew I needed to do this. I fought it for weeks. I joined Weight Watchers hoping that would help of course it did not. I fought and fought. I rationalize I would just eat mostly raw and count points with Weight Watchers that was a disaster.
I woke up one morning and turned on the radio to hear a pastor talk about fasting. He said there five reasons you should go on a fast. I had four reasons.

1- Super Calamity
Which thank God this has not happen to me.
2- Major Decision, God's Will
My desire when my lease is up in this apartment in 7 months is to purchase a home. I need to find my purpose according to God's will. I would like to work for my self and go to school during the day so I can be with my son. I need to find that skill and passion to help me achieve work at home success.
3- Spiritual warfare, breakthrough
I want to have a closer relationship with God.
4-Increase Intercessory effectiveness
I want to be able to pray on behalf of my family and friends.
5-Personal repentance, deliverance.
I need deliverance from food addiction and the desire for alcohol.

Those are are the reasons. I had a birthday 6 days ago. I am so grateful to see another year. I think of all the people who were not bless to see their next birthday and I decided I will not see another year of this misery. I owe it to God who has blessed me thus far and is waiting patiently for me to see the light, I owe it to myself, my son who deserves a bless and happy mother.

I read Angela Stokes Juice feasting book. You can check out her website at
She is such a sweet woman. She had returned my emails and told me to go forth with this journey. She told me I can do this and I will be fine in school.

I am off to dry skin brush, drink my wonderful green juice of kale, cucumber, spinach,parsley, celery and apple.

In health.


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